tony lombardi
a craving to create
for as long as i can remember, i have enjoyed creating. the early days were all about the elementary school art cart and saturday morning oil painting classes. from there, it was baseball logos on my walls (thanks mom and dad) and graffiti letters in my school notebooks (sorry teachers). these connected experiences brought me to find hand-painted signs, window and truck lettering, as well as a few custom murals. after a short stint on the path toward an art education degree, i began to see creation in a whole new light.
in 1999, my wife (fellow creative amanda symmes) and i started our journey together and have had the good fortune to welcome, nurture and learn from 3 wonderfully kind, caring and creative humans. we all continue to create our individual stories.
i had the opportunity to learn, grow and create a professional career, through my introduction to the andover youth services (AYS) in 2001. for twenty years, i had the distinct pleasure of serving the young people, their families and the community of andover through a series of recreational, educational, social and support services designed and implemented through the lens of youth development.
these days you can find me teaching art classes and assisting in the mission and growth of Slow River Studio in Topsfield, Ma. or in my home studio drawing, painting or creating something.
i am available for private or small group art classes
and would be happy to discuss the possibility of working with you on a commissioned drawing, painting or design.